
Contains: 27 units
SweeTea – your sweet sip of health!
SweeTea is an instant, delicious green, sweet and healthy tea
Just pour a glass of hot or cold water – and the beverage is ready!
SweeTea – great fun for the whole family
Natural and contains no artificial sweeteners


Presented in 3 flavors:

  • SweeTea Natural Mint
  • SweeTea Apple and Natural Cinammon
  • SweeTea Natural Lemon

SweTea – beneficial beverage

  • Delicious and healthy – adjusted to those who desire to lead a healthy way of life and to avoid gaining weight.
  • Reduces the urge for sugars and carbohydrates, provides feeling of satiety.
  • Provides immediate energy, suitable for athletes and those who are working out, doesn’t cause fatigue and energy failure (unlike the consumption of other sugars).
  • Doesn’t harm your teeth.
  • SweeTea belongs to the category of foods with low Glycemic index (16) and low Glycemic load (1.8). Research shows that these are essential for maintaining normal weight, for weight loss, for hunger regulation and satiety feeling for diabetics.

SweeTea contains:

SweeTiv, green tea enriched with powerful antioxidants – polyphenols and catechins and especially EGCG, natural flavors and lutein.

Vegan tip:

  • Medical studies show that daily consuming of high-quality green tea, enriched with polyphenols, and catechins and especially EGCG, as SweeTea is extremely beneficial for balancing your health.
  • Drinking green tea (SweeTea) after each meal helps to speed up metabolism and to control weight.

Everybody knows that green tea is healthy.

But there’s only one tea that is also delicious – SweeTea!

Healthy, delicious, and easy to make!


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